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Support - Moving landing page FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Over the last two decades, the demand for natural gas has increased dramatically. However, without new pipeline capacity to deliver additional supplies to our region, demand has out-paced supply. Due to pipeline deliverability constraints, there is currently a moratorium on any new natural gas services in the communities of Amherst, Deerfield, Greenfield, Hadley, Hatfield, Montague, Sunderland and Whately.

The Company cannot guarantee a customer they can open a gas account on the basis there is a gas service line and/or a gas meter at that location. Before buying a property, you should contact Berkshire Gas at 800.297.7144 to find out if the service line can be transferred or whether your request is within the re-activation period.

Service requests can be scheduled through our Customer Care Center. Please call us Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 800.292.5012.

- Yes, if you reside within the Western Division service territory for Berkshire Gas.

- If you reside within the Eastern Division service territory for Berkshire Gas, you may activate the line if you have used the service line since November 1, 2014.

If the gas service is eligible for reactivation, the connected gas equipment cannot exceed the load that was previously used at the location.

- If you reside within the Eastern Division service territory for Berkshire Gas, and the service line or a gas meter was shut off prior to November 1, 2014, it cannot be reactivated. ­

The natural gas demand for that location has been committed to other customers and is no longer available for use at your location.

Contact Us Accordions

Contact Us

Non Emergency Contacts

Live Support Hours:
Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Self-Service Automated Phone Support 24x7

Emergency Contacts

If you are experiencing a natural gas emergency, or if you suspect a gas leak get up, go outside and call Berkshire Gas from a safe location at 800.292.5012 (toll free) or call 911 for your local fire department.

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