Custom Projects

Berkshire Gas offers incentives for comprehensive natural gas equipment upgrades and replacement projects where energy efficient equipment will be installed instead of standard equipment.
An engineering analysis is required to develop the cost and savings values needed for Berkshire Gas to screen your project for cost-effectiveness, and to determine your incentive. Berkshire Gas may contribute up to 50% of the engineering costs, and up to 50% of the project costs for retrofit custom projects, or up to 75% of the incremental costs for new construction custom projects.
- Large Heating Equipment
- Energy Management Systems
- Laundry Equipment
- Comprehensive HVAC
- Custom Kitchen Equipment
- And Much More!
Steam Trap Custom Projects
Berkshire Gas offers funding for Custom Steam Trap Projects up to:
- 100% of survey costs under $2,000, or
- 50% of survey costs over $2,000:
- Half paid at survey invoice,
- Half paid at installation invoice if completed within 90 days of survey results.
Apply for Engineering Services and Custom Projects online at