Excess Flow Valve

Excess Flow Valve

An Excess Flow Valve (EFV) is a mechanical device installed inside a natural gas distribution service line between the street and meter.

At Berkshire Gas, we take a number of steps to help ensure safe, reliable natural gas service to your home and business:

  • Regularly inspecting natural gas equipment and rights-of-way
  • Systematically updating and modernizing our system
  • Monitoring operations 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • Adding odorant to natural gas to produce a "rotten egg" smell if a leak occurs
  • Working with first responders to be prepared for emergencies
  • Reminding everyone to always call 811 before digging

We also want you to know about Excess Flow Valves (EFVs), which are an additional safety measure that may be installed on certain underground service lines running between the natural gas main and your gas meter. Although not necessary for the normal, safe operation of a service line, potential benefits of EFVs are described below.

Federal regulations at 49 C.F.R. §192.383(d) regarding gas pipeline safety requires Berkshire Gas to notify customers of their right to request installation of an Excess Flow Valve (EFV) on their existing gas service line under certain circumstances. An EFV is a mechanical safety device installed inside a gas service line between the gas main in the street and the gas meter. The EFV provides a potential safety benefit -- it is designed to automatically minimize or shutoff the flow of gas in the event of a service line break. In the event that an excavator accidentally digs up the gas service line, the valve would operate to automatically minimize or shut off the flow of gas.

If your service line operates at a pressure of less than 10 pounds per square inch gauge throughout the year, the service line is exempt from EFV installation. Customers with loads of 1,000 standard cubic feet of gas per hour ("SCFH") or less are eligible for an EFV unless one or more of the following conditions exist: (1) the customer’s service line operates at a pressure of less than 10 pounds per square inch gauge throughout the year; (2) the gas company has prior experience with contaminants in the gas stream that could interfere with the EFV’s operation or cause loss of service to a customer; (3) there is potential for interference with necessary operation or maintenance activities, such as blowing liquids from the line; or (4) an EFV meeting the performance standards set forth in the federal regulations is not commercially available to the gas company.

EFV Conditions & Information

EFVs do not operate on all gas service lines and certain parameters may exist where installation of an EFV is not warranted. Many customers already have an EFV installed on their existing service line.

If you would like to determine if you are eligible to have an EFV installed on your gas service line:

Installation requires Dig Safe notification, a municipal or state street opening permit and excavation where the existing gas service line connects to the gas distribution main. Your gas service will be interrupted during the installation.

The cost of installing the EFV is estimated to range between $2,000 - $4,000. Additional costs may apply based on location-specific installation needs. Installations for eligible customers will be scheduled to align with other upcoming work or as soon as practicable at a mutually agreeable date.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities ("MDPU") is currently reviewing a request by Berkshire Gas to allow the EFV to be installed without a direct charge to the customer. Customer requests for EFV installations will be scheduled to occur after the MDPU’s final decision on payment responsibility in compliance with the MDPU’s decision. In the future, additional costs may be incurred to maintain and/or replace the EFV and those costs may be charged to the customer.

An EFV is an additional safety feature in the event that a natural gas service line is damaged by an excavator that digs into an underground pipe. The best way to keep your family, your neighbors and the community safe is to call Dig Safe at 811 at least 3 business days before starting any digging project. 811 is a FREE, one-call service that notifies local utility companies to locate and mark their underground facilities so you can dig safely. Calling 811 can help prevent potential hazards like digging into natural gas pipelines.

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